Blackjack Split – Not A Must

Blackjack Split is a move that becomes available to players when the initial two cards dealt happen to be of the same rank. Under these circumstances the original dealt hand can be split into two as shown in the image above. It requires the placing of an additional equal bet, thereby doubling the staked amount.


Players that are not aware of the optimum blackjack strategy tend to split hands whenever the occasion presents itself. You must split certain hands to gain maximum advantage and if you split the other hands, you will endanger not only the initial stake but the additional one as well. I will discuss blackjack split strategy in a later blog. Here I want to highlight a rule that has insidiously crept in some blackjack games, mostly at online casinos.


Split is available only if the initial cards are of the same rank. Tens, Jacks, Queens, and Kings all have 10 pints, but are not of the same rank. So, in normal blackjack games, you cannot split a Queen and a King. Some online blackjack games permit you to split 10-point cards even if not of the same rank and they present it as an advantage being offered over other blackjack games that do not have this facility. Novice blackjack players fall for the trap and start splitting such hands. Optimum blackjack strategy states that pairs with 10-point cards should never be split, even for the same rank. Such a pair gives the player a 20-point hand which is the second-best hand possible. Unsuspecting players are duped into squandering away an advantageous position for one that can be very detrimental.


The “though for the day” is that you are not compelled to use every facility offered in a blackjack game. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages before acting.


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