Online Blackjack vs Land Casino Blackjack

Internet forums are filled with articles comparing online casinos to land casinos and those differences apply to blackjack as well. I will skip those differences and focus on two that pertain specifically to blackjack.


Blackjack Strategy Cards


In an earlier blackjack blog I had pointed out that it is illegal to use devices of any sort to aid gameplay at land casinos. However, there is no such injunction when you play blackjack at online casinos. It is perfectly legal, and moral, to take advantage of blackjack strategy cards when you play online, especially if you are a novice blackjack player. In fact, you are doing yourself a serious injustice if you do not use this invaluable tool. The blackjack strategy card is a tabular format that lists the dealer’s face up card in the row header and the player’s hand total in the column header. You can then read the optimum blackjack move in the corresponding table cell. This way, you will never make a wrong move and will maximise your return.


Card Counting in Online Blackjack


Since devices are permitted at online casinos, the obvious question that arises is “Why not use devices to count cards when playing blackjack online?” Online casino games suppliers are aware of this and have neutered the possibility by starting every new deal with a fresh and complete stack of decks. In land casinos the cards dealt to players and dealer in a round are transferred to the discard tray and not shuffled back into the shoe. So, over a period it is possible to evaluate whether the cards remaining in the shoe are favourable to the player. In online blackjack the dealt cards are shuffled back into the stack of decks after every round and this puts an end to card counting.


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